What Are The Key Differences Between Crypto Coins And Tokens? Explained

Crypto coins vs tokens

Today’s cryptocurrencies come in a vast variety and are mainly divided into coins and tokens. Since there are literally thousands of different cryptocurrencies available on the market, investors, especially newcomers, frequently mix up coins and tokens and even use them interchangeably. 

Due to the vast number of phrases in the crypto sphere, this happens frequently. 

In the world of cryptocurrency, however, coins and tokens differ significantly. Having a clear understanding of the difference will help you make better decisions. 

The purpose of this blog is to inform cryptocurrency enthusiasts about the difference between coins and tokens. 

Let’s begin by outlining the primary distinctions between tokens and coins. Knowing the difference can help us maximize blockchain services’ value and access more advantages. 

Coins: Quick Overview!

In the blockchain community, a coin is mostly utilized as money. 

These coins serve exclusively as a means of storing or exchanging money; they have no additional functions. All you can really do with them is mine them, keep them in your wallet, and use them to buy and sell items. 

Moving ahead, let’s discuss this,

Top types of most popular crypto coins

The most valuable coins by market capitalization are:

#1. Bitcoin

The first cryptocurrency in the world, known as Bitcoin, was introduced in 2009 by “Satoshi Nakamoto”, an unidentified person or group. 

It became the most valuable cryptocurrency thanks to its first-mover advantage. 

The size of the worldwide bitcoin market was estimated at USD 17.05 billion in 2021, and it is expected to hit a CAGR of 26.2% from 2022 to 2030.

It was intended to take the place of fiat currencies. 

#2. Ethereum

The development of blockchain technology was greatly aided by Ethereum. Currently, Ethereum is ranked as #2 worldwide.

The technology used to create tokens on Ethereum is known as the ERC-20 token standard. 

#3. Binance coin

The cryptocurrency that the Binance exchange has launched is called Binance Coin. Originally introduced as an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency token, BNB is now the native currency of the Binance chain, a separate blockchain network. 

Tokens: Quick Overview!

On the other hand, tokens are typically developed on the Ethereum blockchain because it provides significantly more in terms of usability and feature development.

Compared to coins, tokens can be used in a considerably larger variety of contexts. Tokens can stand in for various items, like prepaid API credit, works of art, and diplomas.

Tokens are not used to pay miners, and they are not a fundamental component of the blockchain’s security mechanism, unlike coins. 

Thousands of tokens are in use right now. In general, they can be divided into the  following five categories:

#1. Utility tokens

A blockchain-based service is accessible to consumers using utility tokens. On the Brave web browser, for instance, marketers pay publishers with the Basic Attention Token (BAT), and publishers, in turn, pay their audiences with BAT when they watch adverts. 

#2. Transaction tokens

Stablecoins are tokens like Tether (USDT), Binance USD (BUSD), and Dai (DAI). They are typically pegged to fiat currency and are collateralized by it. They are consequently advantageous as a medium of exchange and a store of wealth because they are not subject to cryptocurrency’s renowned volatility. 

#3. Security tokens

Security tokens are traditional financial instruments like stocks and bonds that have been transformed into electronic tokens on a blockchain. These tokens grant owners the right to a portion of the business they have invested in. 

#4. Non-Fungible Token

By year’s end, it is anticipated that non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will have transacted at least $17.7 billion. 

They are unique cryptographic tokens that are available on a blockchain and are used to signify ownership of exclusive content online. Although they are interchangeable, they cannot be represented as having an equal value to one another because they cannot be traded or exchanged. 

#5. Governance tokens

With governance tokens, a blockchain project’s user can vote and propose modifications. Users thereby have direct control over a protocol’s operation and direction.

Several token standards are used by crypto token projects for creating tokens. Some of the most popular token standards, such as ERC20 and ERC721, allow for the development of tokens that work with the Ethereum network without any issues. 

As you’ve seen an overview of both; now let’s move forward and discuss,

Crypto Coin vs Token: Key differences!

The main distinction between crypto coins and crypto tokens is that one has its own blockchain whereas the latter doesn’t! Furthermore, as tokens are frequently developed with a specific purpose in mind, their price is typically influenced by factors other than the law of demand & supply and market volatility. 

 Some other key differences between both are:

  • Tokens are built on a coin’s blockchain, whereas coins often have their own distinct blockchain.
  • The same blockchain can support the existence of multiple tokens but typically endorses the existence of just one coin.
  • Coins, not tokens, are usually awarded to miners and network validators in exchange for their work.

Is it better to invest in coins or tokens? 

Coins and tokens, as was previously said, are erratic investments whose price changes are influenced by a variety of variables, including bull and bear seasons.

Having said that, investing in both types of cryptocurrencies at the proper time might be rewarding.

Your crypto investment strategy should be taken into consideration while deciding between coins and tokens. 

If you want to start your journey in investing in crypto coins or crypto tokens, then it would be beneficial for you to start playing crypto investment games like CoinFantasy. Also, the best part of playing these games is that no upfront investment is required.


In the crypto community, both coins and tokens are essential. While decentralized peer-to-peer transactions may have been the initial appeal of cryptocurrencies, we have since witnessed an evolution of extraordinary scale. 

Any cryptocurrency enthusiast who intends to delve far into the crypto world must understand the distinction between a coin and a token. This article’s comprehensive explanation of coins and tokens should make it easier for you to understand cryptocurrency terminology.

Coins are typically used as a form of payment, whereas tokens have a wider range of applications. They may serve to represent an asset, provide access to special services, or even a work of digital art.